Natural Horsemanship

Natural horsemanship is a philosophy of training horses that focuses on building a positive experience with your horse through partnership rather than fear and intimidation. It uses the principles of natural herd communication and equine behavior to position you as your horse’s leader and partner. It is a journey where you put yourself in the horse’s world rather than try to adapt the horse to yours.

Natural horsemanship is not a “discipline.” It is neither English nor Western. It is a foundation that can guide the horseman throughout their journey with the horse and in any choice of activity.

By studying the principles of natural horsemanship, you become empowered with the knowledge to teach your horse and solve behavioral challenges. In addition, you have a horse that is braver, safer, more responsive and more athletic. You end up with the relationship with your horse that you have dreamed of.

NWNHC combines the many principles of horse-centered training into a unique learning program of classes, certificate courses and lessons.